MV80 Vortex Flow Meter

  • Versatile Mass Flow Meter Can measure most steams, liquids and gases without the need to recalibrate.
  • Cost Effective Pressure and temperature integrated into one simple system saving on installation costs and initial capital costs.
  • Range of MV80 Types Available User can choose the most suitable configuration for their application.
  • Multivariable Velocity, Flow, Temperature, Pressure/Density
Product Options


The Panaflow MV80 is an in-line multivariable vortex flow meter, suitable for measuring mass flow, temperature and pressure. Also allows volumetric flow measurement and density. The MV80 mass flow meter can measure most qases, liquids and steam.

The in-line mass flow meter's design has a vortex shredding velocity sensor, an RTD temperature sensor and a solid state pressure transducer that measures the mass flow rate of steam, gases and liquids. Most meter types measure temperature and pressure at different points as the devices are not generally installed at the same points This can mean that mass flow readings can be extremely inaccurate. The MV80 measures these parameters at the same location giving more accurate process measurements.

The MV80 mass flow meter is very cost effective as it integrates pressure and temperature with a simplified system. This saves on initial capital costs and also installation costs. All parameters can be sent straight to your data acquisition system, so there is no need to purchase additional instrumentation.

There are a variety of MV80 vortex meters available so the user can choose the option with the most suitable configuration to suit their application.

Manufactured by: Panametrics
Model: MV80 Vortex Flow Meter

Services offered for this product

  • Sales
  • Rental
  • Installation
  • Calibration
  • Maintenance
  • IoT Cloud Compatible


Ideal for high temperature and high velocity steam
Power generation - steam applications
Industrial - HVAC, district energy management
Commercial - building, campus and facility energy management
Oil and gas - allocation of natural gas
Petrochemical - mass balancing, reaction processes heating


Accuracy Mass flow rate accuracy for gas and steam based on 50- 100% of pressure range

PanaFlow MV80 flow meter accuracy
Process variable Liquids Gas and steam
Volumetric flow rate ± 0.7% of rate ± 1% of rate
Mass flow rate ± 1% of rate ± 1.5% of rate
Temperature ± 2°F (± 1°C) ± 2°F (± 1°C)
Pressure ± 0.3% of full scale ± 0.3% of full scale
Density ± 0.3% of reading ±0 .5% of reading

Mass flow rate ±0.2% of rate
Volumetric flow rate ±0.1% of rate
Temperature ±0.2°F (± 0.1°C)
Pressure ±0.05% of full scale
Density ±0.1% of reading
Stability over 12 months
Mass flow rate ±0.2% of rate
Volumetric flow rate Negligible
Temperature ±0.9°F (± 0.5°C)
Pressure ±0.1% of full scale
Density ±0.1% of reading
Response time Adjustable from 1 to 100 seconds
Process standard temperature (code ST) -40 to 500°F (-40 to 260°C)
Process high temperature (code HT) Up to 750°F (400°C)
Ambient operating -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C)
Ambient storage -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C)
Power requirements
  • DC2 option: 12-36 VDC loop powered, 25mA, 1W max, loop powered (single output)
  • DC2 option: 12-36 VDC loop powered, 25mA, 1W max, loop powered (single output)
  • DC4 option: 12-36 VDC, 300 mA max, 9W max, (multiple outputs)
  • DC4POE option: 12-28 VDC or power over Ethernet, 5W max, (multiple outputs)
  • AC option: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 5 watt (multiple outputs)
Display Alphanumeric 2 line x 16 character LCD digital display: Six pushbuttons for full field configuration. Pushbuttons can be operated with magnetic wand without removal of enclosure covers. Display can be mounted in 90° intervals for better viewing
Output signals
  • Analog: 4-20 mA, loop powered for volumetric meters
  • Alarm: Solid state relay, 40 VDC
  • Totalizer Pulse: 50 millisecond, 40 VDC
  • DC2 Option: One analog, one totalizer pulse, HART
  • DC4, DC4POE, and AC Option: Up to three analog signals, three alarms, one totalizer pulse, HART, Modbus, BACnet
Wetted materials 316L stainless steel standard, plus:
  • PTFE based thread sealant on models with pressure transducer
  • PTFE packing on standard temperature models with packing gland
  • Graphite-based packing on high temperature models with packing gland
  • Carbon steel and Hastelloy C meter bodies optional
  • FM/FMC Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C and D, Class II, III, Division 1, Groups E, F and G
  • Type 4x and IP66, T6, Ta = -40°C - +60°C
  • ATEX II 2 G Ex d IIB + H2 T6, II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T85°C, Ta =-40°C - +60°C
  • IECEx Ex d IIB + H2 T6, Ex tD A21 IP66 T85°C, Ta = -40°C - +60°C


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