Solinst Model 401 Waterloo Multilevel Groundwater Sampling System

  • Low cost
  • Steady release for constant microbial activity
  • Deep applications to 800 ft (240 m)
  • Easy installation and removal
Product Options


The Model 401 Waterloo System can be used to obtain groundwater samples, permeability measurements and hydraulic head measurements from many discretely isolated zones in a single borehole.

Detailed, three dimensional groundwater information can be obtained at a reasonable cost when a number of Waterloo Systems are used at a site. Fewer drilled holes are an advantage and monitoring times are reduced.

The Waterloo System is customized for the needs of each project. This allows monitoring zones to be placed at desired depths using options suitable for either bedrock, overburden or combination applications and with either removable or permanent systems.

Discrete zone monitoring is the only way to obtain accurate data for site assessments and interpretation. Transects of multilevels provide in depth data necessary to calculate mass flux and conservatively assess risk to receptors.


  • Detailed 3D data of flow and concentrations
  • Flexible design allows users to customize a system for each monitoring project
  • Isolate and monitor depth discrete zones
  • Dedicated pumps and transducer
  • Accurate site characterization
  • Reduced site disturbance
  • Reduced long term costs

Manufactured by: Solinst
Model: Solinst Model 401 Waterloo Multilevel Groundwater Sampling System

Services offered for this product

  • Sales
  • Rental
  • Installation
  • Calibration
  • Maintenance
  • IoT Cloud Compatible


Salt water intrusion
DNAPL and LNAPL spill sites
Industrial cleanups
Waste disposals/landfills
Pipeline leaks
Soil gas surveys
Dam leakage/rehabilitation
Contaminant identification/cleanup


PVC frame wrapped with tubing , Sized for 2", 4" and 6" (50, 100 and 150 mm) wells, stackable to allow the controlled continuous diffusion of gas into the plume.
Materials For particular applications specific materials
may be chosen. These may include stainless
steel casing and packer bodies, and stainless
steel, nylon or PTFE/FEP tubing.
Borehole Size Waterloo or removable packers are designed for
use in 3"- 4" boreholes (75 - 100 mm). Systems can be installed in larger boreholes using:
- Placement of sand and bentonite to isolate parts around a Waterloo casing string with no packers.
- 3-4" screen and casing, installed within
a larger hole, completed by installing a
Waterloo System with packers.
Standard 2"(50mm) Waterloo System
Site Dependent Monitoring Options # Zones
Dedicated Pumps and Transducers 8
Open Tubes Only (varies with tube size) 15
Dedicated Pumps and Open Tubes 6
Dedicated Pumps Only 12
Dedicated Pressure Transducers Only 24


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