Solinst 403 CMT Multi-Level Well Systems

  • Inexpensive Lower cost than multiple wells
  • Two Systems Available Seven channel system (up to 7 depth discrete zone) and three channel system (up to 3 depth discrete zones)
  • Easy to Install. Install using any drilling method - including direct push Seven channel system can be installed in less than 3 hours by two people. The three channel system can be installed even faster.
Product Options


The 403 CMT Multilevel Well and Groundwater Monitoring System allows detailed discrete zone groundwater data to be obtained. Monitor up to 7 zones in one 1.7" well, or 3 in the narrow 1.1" (28 mm) Multilevel Well System.

The 403 CMT Multilevel monitoring well system is inexpensive, easy to install and most importantly reliable. It provides the user with a clear understanding of three dimensional groundwater flow and the distribution of contaminants in the subsurface. This allows remediation strategies to be targeted more precisely, and efforts being focused in the most effective manner. With use of the CMT Multi-level Well System, the monitoring of contaminant plumes is affordable. The system provides detailed vertical and horizontal data. The monitoring zones can be set as needed, with the single tube design permitting reliable seals between zones.

There are two multilevel monitoring well systems available. The 3 Channel Multilevel System, which was developed for smaller diameter installations, has 28mm (1.1”) polyethylene tubing. The 7 Channel Multi-level System has 43mm (1.7”) tubing, segmented into seven channels, allowing groundwater monitoring at up to 7 depth discrete zones.

Manufactured by: Solinst
Model: Solinst 403 CMT Multi-Level Well Systems

Services offered for this product

  • Sales
  • Rental
  • Installation
  • Calibration
  • Maintenance
  • IoT Cloud Compatible


Identify vertical as well as horizontal contaminant distribution with transect monitoring
Ideal for shallow wells in high water table environments
Multilevel water sampling and level monitoring in unconsolidated soils or bedrock
Dewatering impact assessments at construction and mining sites
Mass transport calculations and mass flux estimation
Monitoring of natural attenuation or remediation processes, and documentation of its effectiveness
VOC, MTBE and Perchlorate monitoring at NAPL sites
Determination of the best location for reactive barrier walls, the Waterloo Emitter and other remediation methodologies
Vapour monitoring with special wellhead seals
Helps optimise design and performance assesment of remedial options


One CMT System - Two Sizes
Features 7 Channel 3 Channel
Material *MDPE *MDPE
Tubing Diameter 1.7" (43 mm) 1.1" (28 mm)
Monitoring Zones Up to 7 Up to 3
Channel Diameter6 - Outer pie channels: nominal 0.4" (10 mm)
1 - Center hex channel: nominal 3/8" (9.5 mm)
3 - Hex channels: nominal 3/8" (9.5 mm)
Channel Volume 40 mL/ft.
30 mL/ft. (center)
30 mL/ft.
Installation Options** Sand & bentonite backfill
Natural formation
Bentonite & sand cartridges
Sand & bentonite backfill
Natural formation collapse
Coil Lengths***
(Coil 4 ft. dia.)
100 ft. (30 m), 200 ft (60 m) & 300 ft. (90 m) 100 ft (30 m), 200 ft (60 m) & 500 ft (150 m)
Tubing temperature during installation –15ºC to +35ºC ****
Port plug temperature during installation +15°C to +35°C
Pressure differential (water levels) 12.5 inch-pounds torqued port plugs are designed to hold 20 psi (50 ft) of head differential.

Notes * Tubing is MDPE; proprietary mix of HDPE and LDPE products.
** Avoid using 'single lifts' of grout, greater than 50 ft in the unsaturated zone.
*** Each CMT coil measures 1 to 2 ft longer than stated.
**** If air temperature is above +35°C, use cold water to cool down the tubing at the port before installing the port plug.


Related products


How many zones do you wish to monitor?

  • If you wish to monitor more than 3 zones then the 7 channel CMT is the system for you
  • For 3 zones or less, you can consider the 3 channel CMT, or 7 channel using 2 channels per monitoring zone


What is the type, total depth and diameter of the borehole?

  • The borehole must be over 3.25” in diameter for use of the CMT, but less than 3.5” for the 3 channel CMT to seal successfully
  • Larger boreholes of up to 6” diameter are preferable when placing sand, bentonite or grout to complete 3 channel or 7 channel installations, ensuring plenty of room toplace the materials around the CMT.
  • Centralizers are recommended to prevent the tubing from touching the side of the borehole wall, causing gaps and bridging, which will prevent a proper seal forming


What are you monitoring for?

  • If VOCs are the main concern, the Model 408M is the best sampling option due to minimal disturbance of the water column.
  • For water level measurement, the Model 102 Water Level Meter with a P4 probe is ideal.


What is the depth to water if you are collecting samples for analysis?

  • If the depth is over 25 ft then three sampling options are available: 410 Peristaltic Pump, Mini Inertial Pump and 408M Micro Double Valve Pump.
  • Once depth is over 50 ft, the Mini Inertial requires PTFE tubing.
  • With depths from 100 ft to 200 ft, the Model 408M is the recommended method for sampling.


How many installations are you considering?

  • Total up the depth of each installation to calculate the length of tubing needed
  • The 7 Channel is available in 100 ft, 200 ft and 300 ft coils, while the 3 Channel is provided in 100 ft, 200 ft and 500 ft coils.
  • If installations are being installed progressively on the same site then only one set of installation tools are required
  • A Model 103 Tag Line can be used to confirm that sand and seals have the correct thickness and depth during each installation
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