Eureka Trimeter Water Quality Sonde

  • Low Cost Sonde No need to pay for a larger sonde with parameters you don't need
  • Warranty 3 year limited warranty on sonde and sensors
  • Sonde Status Indicators LED indicators show the status of the power, logging and communication
  • Built-In Datalogger Store >1,000,000 readings
Product Options
Copper anti-fouling kit
mantaMobile Bluetooth® battery pack
Android Bluetooth-equipped tablet with rugged field enclosure
Battery pack
Flow cell
Soft carry case
Hard carry case


The Eureka Trimeter™ combines the same electronics as the Manta’s multiprobe and interface, in a smaller, lighter housing. Simply select temperature, and/or depth and then choose an extra parameter from the available sensors list to make your required multiprobe. It provides maximum field performance at the lowest possible cost.

Ideal for spot tests / profiling or for unattended use as a self powered logger. It can also be connected to a telemetry system for remote applications.

Data can be viewed on a range of display devices including tablets, PC/Laptop (Windows), or Leapfrog Bluetooth (Android, BT Enabled Windows device).

Available Sensors:

  • Temperature
  • Depth
  • Conductivity/Salinity/TDS
  • pH/ORP
  • Dissolved Oxygen (optical sensor)
  • Turbidity
  • Chlorophyll a
  • Blue Green Algae
  • Rhodamine
  • Crude Oil
  • Refined Oil
  • TDG and more!

Manufactured by: Eureka
Model: Eureka Trimeter Water Quality Sonde

Services offered for this product

  • Sales
  • Rental
  • Installation
  • Calibration
  • Maintenance
  • IoT Cloud Compatible


Length: without battery pack 12"
Length: with battery pack 22"
OD 1.85"
Weight: without battery pack 0.8 lbs
Weight: with battery pack 1.8 lbs

Temperature Sensor
Parameter Range and Units Resolution Accuracy
Temperature -5 to 50°C 0.01 ±0.1

pH/ORP Sensor
Parameter Range and Units Resolution Accuracy
pH 0 to 14 units 0.01 ±0.1 within 10°C of calibration; 0.2 otherwise
ORP -999 to 999 mV 0.1 ±20 mV

Conductivity Sensor
Parameter Range and Units Resolution Accuracy
Specific conductance, µS/cm 0 to 5000 µS/cm 0.1 ±0.5% of reading or ±1 w.i.g.
Specific conductance, mS/cm 0 to 100 mS/cm


±1% of reading ±0.001
100 to 275 mS/cm 0.001 ±2% of reading
Salinity 0 to 70 PSU 0.01 ±2% of reading
Total dissolved solids (TDS) 0 to 65 g/l


±5% of reading

Dissolved Oxygen (optical sensor)
Parameter Range and Units Resolution Accuracy
Concentration 0 to 20 mg/l 0.01 ±0.1
20 to 30 mg/l 0.01 ±0.15
30 to 50 mg/l 0.01 ±5% of reading
% saturation 0 to 500% saturation 0.1 corresponds with the accuracy of the concentration reading

Pressure Sensor
Parameter Range and Units Resolution Accuracy
Depth 0 to 25 m 0.01 ±0.05
0 to 200 m ±0.4
Vented depth 0 to 10 m 0.001 ±0.003
Barometric pressure 400 to 900 mm Hg 0.1 ±1.5
Total dissolved gas (TDG) 400 to 1400 mm Hg 0.1 ±1

Parameter Range and Units Resolution Accuracy
Chlorophyll a - blue 0 to 100 µg/l 0.01 Linearity of 0.99 R2
Chlorophyll a - red 0 to 500 µg/l
Rhodamine dye 0 to 200 ppb
Phycocyanin (freshwater BGA) 0 to 4500 ppb
Phycoerythrin (marine BGA) 0 to 700 ppb
CDOM/FDOM 0 to 500 ppb
Optical brightener 0 to 300 ppb
Tryptophan 0 to 5000 ppb
Fluorescein dye 0 to 150 ppb
PTSA 0 to 650 ppb
Refined oil 0 to 20 ppm
Crude oil 0 to 300 ppb



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The EBP is a removable lithium-ion battery pack that converts a standard multiprobe to a stand-alone deployable logger.
The EBP is 3in/75mm diameter.
All Mantas and Trimeters between 2 and 3.5in
Yes, if you order the Passthrough version.
Simply remove and connect to the charger (supplied separately)
Yes, the EBP has been subject to rigorous testing and is designed for IP68 indefinite immersion.
The EP provides can provide many months of logging depending on number of sensors and log frequency.
Simply locate the peg, push and twist
Yes, new top can be ordered to convert your existing unit.
Where can I see more? – Eureka have produced a video that does a great job of explaining the different versions and showing what they look like.
The Passthrough EBP will power the Manta to support the logging function if the power to telemetry/logger that powers the Manta is lost.