Manta F35 Anti-Fouling Multiprobe

  • Copper-filled Silicone Nose Cone Covers all of the exposed sensors except the critical measurement surfaces.
  • Suitable for Handheld and Unattended Monitoring
  • Built-In Datalogger Store >1,000,000 readings
Product Options
Battery Pack
Bluetooth Module
SDI-12 Converter Box
Carry Case - Large
Carry Case - Small


The Manta F35 Anti-Fouling Multiprobe provides water quality measurement for a wide range of parameters.

Different sizes of multiprobe are available depending on the number of sensors required. The F30 can hold up to 7 sensors whilst the F35 can hold up to 11 sensors.

Available parameters:

  • Temperature
  • Optical DO
  • Conductivity (SC)
  • Salinity
  • TDS
  • Turbidity
  • ORP
  • pH
  • Depth
  • Level
  • Ammonium
  • Nitrate
  • Chloride
  • TDG
  • Chlorophyll a
  • Rhodamine
  • Blue Green Algae

Manufactured by: Eureka
Model: Manta F35 Anti-Fouling Multiprobe

Services offered for this product

  • Sales
  • Rental
  • Installation
  • Calibration
  • Maintenance
  • IoT Cloud Compatible


Groundwater interaction
Saltwater intrusion
Surface water
Reservoir and lake monitoring
Estuary monitoring
Watershed and source water protection
Beach monitoring
Storm water runoff
NPS monitoring
Vertical profiling


Range -5° C - 50° C
Accuracy ±0.1%
Resolution 0.01° C
Dissolved 0xygen (% Sat)
Range 0 - 200%
200 - 500%
Accuracy ±2.4%
Resolution 0.1
Optical DO
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L)
Range 0 - 25 mg/L
Accuracy 1% of reading or 0.02 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution 0.01 mg/L;
Dissolved oxygen (% Sat)
Range 0 - 200 %
Accuracy 1% of reading or 0.02 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution 0.1
Conductivity (SC)

0 - 100 mS/cm

Accuracy 1% reading ± 1 count
Resolution 4 digits
Range 0 - 70 PSU (PPT)
Accuracy ±1% of reading or 0.1 PSU, whichever is greater
Resolution 4 digits
Range 0 - 65 g/L
Accuracy Calculated from Conductivity
Resolution 4 digits
Optical 90° Nephelometric Mechanical Wiper
Range 0 - 3000 NTU
Accuracy 0 - 100 < 1% of reading
100 - 400 < 3% of reading
over 400 < 5% of reading
Resolution 0.1
Range 0 - 14 units
Accuracy ± 0.2 units
Resolution 0.01 units
Range -999 - 999 mV
Accuracy ± 20 mV
Resolution 1 mV
Range 10m, 25m, 50m, 100m, 200m
Accuracy ± 0.1% Full scale
Resolution 0.01 m
Range 0 - 10 meters
Accuracy 0.003 meters
Resolution 0.001
Range 0 - 100 mg/L Nitrogen
Accuracy ± 10% of reading or 2 mg/L whichever is
Resolution 0.1 mg/L -N
Range 0 - 100 mg/L Nitrogen
Accuracy ± 10% of reading or 2 mg/L whichever is greater
Resolution 4 digits
Range 0.5 - 18,000 mg/L
Accuracy ± 10% of reading or 2 mg/L whichever is greater
Resolution 4 digits
Range 400 - 1400 mm/Hg
Accuracy ± 0.5 mm/Hg
Resolution 0.1 mm/Hg
Chlorophyll a
Range 0.03 - 50 µg/L
Accuracy ± 3%
Resolution 0.01 µg/L
Range 0.04 to 1000 ppb
Accuracy ± 3%
Resolution 0.01 ppb
Blue green algae
Range 100 - 200,000 cells/mL
Accuracy ± 3%
Resolution 20 cells/mL



Related products


The EBP is a removable lithium-ion battery pack that converts a standard multiprobe to a stand-alone deployable logger.
The EBP is 3in/75mm diameter.
All Mantas and Trimeters between 2 and 3.5in
Yes, if you order the Passthrough version.
Simply remove and connect to the charger (supplied separately)
Yes, the EBP has been subject to rigorous testing and is designed for IP68 indefinite immersion.
The EP provides can provide many months of logging depending on number of sensors and log frequency.
Simply locate the peg, push and twist
Yes, new top can be ordered to convert your existing unit.
Where can I see more? – Eureka have produced a video that does a great job of explaining the different versions and showing what they look like.
The Passthrough EBP will power the Manta to support the logging function if the power to telemetry/logger that powers the Manta is lost.