3001 BioFoul Screen

  • Long Term Performance Ensures reliable conductivity and pressure measurements
  • Extended Deployment Periods Uses natural anti-fouling characteristics of copper
  • An Affordable Option Reduces the need for maintenance
Product Options


When a Solinst datalogger is deployed for extended periods, especially in coastal and saltwater environments, there is the risk of biofouling. Biofouling on the pressure sensor or conductivity cell can compromise the reliability of the readings.

Solinst dataloggers can be cleaned by soaking for a short time in a very weak acid solution, but this can be time consuming, increasing maintenance costs and trips to the field.

The Model 3001 Biofoul Screen is an affordable option to lengthen the time a Levelogger 5, Levelogger 5 Junior, Levelogger 5 LTC, LevelVent 5, or AquaVent 5 can be deployed before maintenance is required.

Using the natural anti-fouling characteristics of copper, the Biofoul Screen is designed to reduce the unwanted buildup of microorganisms, plants, algae, or organisms such as barnacles and mussels.

The Biofoul Screen consists of a Delrin® sleeve wrapped with copper wire. The Biofoul Screen simply slips onto the sensor end of the datalogger, where it is held in place by compression fit. The screen allows water to freely enter the pressure sensor of any Solinst datalogger, and the conductivity cell of an LTC.

The Biofoul Screen improves the long-term performance of Solinst dataloggers, and helps ensure reliable conductivity and pressure measurements.

Manufactured by: Solinst
Model: 3001 BioFoul Screen

Services offered for this product

  • Sales
  • Rental
  • Installation
  • Calibration
  • Maintenance
  • IoT Cloud Compatible


Surface water monitoring in freshwater or saltwater
Harbour and tidal fluctuation monitoring
Monitoring at aquariums and aquaculture operations
Mine water, wastewater and landfill leachate monitoring
Monitoring in oceans, lakes, wetlands or estuaries


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No, Solinst certifies that PFAS is not used, or knowingly present in the manufacturer, or production of their products. www.rshydro.co.uk/files/Solinst-PFAS-Statement.pdf